How to call Chile from the United States, first you know the code to mark Chile is 56. Marking to Chile from USA.

If you are in the United States and Chile you want to call what you have to do is research the country code and the city you're going to call to integrate the code to call Chile.

How to dial a cell phone in Chile?

To dial a mobile phone add local key city where you found the phone.

To dial a mobile phone add-digit 9 phone before 8 digit.

Key Country of Chile is 56 Local Key has 2 O 3 digit The phones have 6 O 7 digit

For example to call a mobile phone in Recife will mark:

Key Output + 56 + 9 + 1234-5678

The country code to call Chile 56:

To make phone calls to Chile from the United States should dial the code for international calls (011) + the country code, in this case Chile Chile code to call thecode to call Chile from usais 56 + the area or city code and the phone number.

For example, to call a landline in the Chile must be marked:

The area code to call Chile

is the next: 011 + 56 + 2 and then the phone number.

The area number to call Chile City to Chile, the dial is:

011 + 56 + 2 and then the phone number

You can also call a cell phone, using thephone code to call Chilefor this you must mark:

Which is the area to call Chile

And more specificChile code to call cell.

011 + 56 + City code and the phone number.

Is the phone code to call Chile, which is the code to call Chile.

The area codes of the largest cities in the country.

Area code to call Chile and its major cities.

Antofagasta55La Serena51Rancagua72
Arica58Linares73San Antonio35
Chillan42The Andes34Santiago2
Cohyaique67The Angels43Talca71
Curico75Montt port65Valdivia63
Iquique57Punta Arenas61Valparaiso32

What is the code to call Chile, What is the area to call Chile. What is the code of Chile to call. Lada to call Chile.

What is the area to call Chile? is 56.

How to call Chile from my cell phone.

Another option for mark Chile from the United States It is using a mobile application or an IP number of prepaid. These offer an economic service and is an alternative to use in lines that do not have international flames service, We also , they can also be used to make the call from a cell phone.

These cards are available in supermarkets, the price depends on the minutes it offers, and can be used from a public phone.

To make calls with a prepaid card the following must be followed 3 steps:

  1. Call the toll-free number that appears on the card
  2. Dial the PIN number, This number can be found on the back of the card.
  3. And finally mark the corresponding codes.

Online Recharge with CliqaBut if you want to save a lot of money on your calls to Chile it is best to use the service Cliqa.

Cliqa is a company 100% Latina dedicated to providing cheap and quality telephony services. You can install the Cliqa app on your cell phone and from there buy air time for international calls. Easy, Fast and safe. Use Cliqa and save a lot of money.

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How to Call the United States from CELL PHONE AND CALL PHONE | Communicate NOW!

How to Call the United States from CELL PHONE AND CALL PHONE | Communicate NOW!

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