How to dial to Mexico City Federal District now CDMX Mexico City from United States?

How to call Mexico City from United States.

To dial long distance to Mexico City CDMX Capital Mexico City from United States USA USA EEUUAA:

You mustMark 011 + 52 + 1 + 55 + phone (8 digit)

How to call Mexico City? The area code is Mexico City 55.

The international calling code (011), the country code, in this caseMexico (52), the area code orcity and phone number.

For example, forcall to a fixed line inMexico City must be marked: 011 + 52 + 55 and then the phone number.

What is the code to call Mexico City, What is the Lada Mexico City: is 55

Mexico City

What does CDMX in Mexico?

The initials stand CDMX Mexico City. dialing code for Mexico City: 55.

Why did he change his CDMX DF Federal District of Mexico City as the capital of Mexico?

Early 2016 It advertised in the media of Mexico and the world that the Federal District thereafter becomes state of the Mexican federation. Mexico City was founded on 13 August 1521 by the Aztecs, It is located 2,250 meters above sea level and is famous because there was born the most important culture of all time.

mark mexico df
Dialing to Mexico City

Features Mexico City

The city that shapes the urban sprawl of modern Mexico City It has a vertical elliptical shape covering an area of ​​developed land approximately 1,495 km2. CDMX or Mexico City is used so each type of use.

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