The area code to call El Salvador is the combination to dial from United States to El Salvador is as follows:

011 + 503 + City + Number

You must check 011 + 503 + Area Code City + Phone number.

The country code is 503, landlines in El Salvador are formatted 503-2XXX-XXX, that is to say, They carry 8 and being the first digit number 2.

Being a small country towns do not have an area code, but nevertheless, the first digits of the phone numbers go according to municipality of origin. Here is a list of municipalities shows (city) to call to El Salvador correctly:

  • Ahuachapán = 24,28
  • cabins = 22, 23
  • Chalatenango = 22,23
  • Cuscatlán = 22,23
  • Freedom = 22,23
  • Peace = 22, 23
  • Binding = 26, 27
  • Morazán = 26, 27
  • San Miguel = 26, 27
  • San Salvador = 21
  • San Vicente = 22, 23
  • Santa Ana = 24, 28
  • Sonsonate = 24, 28
  • Usulután = 26, 27

¿Salvadoreño US?

The distance will not keep solitary confinement

Although there is no official census, It is estimated that at least two and a half million Salvadorans living in the United States, indicating that one in four Salvadorans leave their country. The phenomenon started going in the 80's when El Salvador experienced a civil war lasting 12 years and over time Salvadoran immigrants increased because of unemployment and poor living conditions in their country.

No matter what country a Salvadoran be, inevitably be sure to remember the pupusas, hard-soft cheese, green mango and between all that the most important, loved ones and people who left in their native country to go in search of better opportunities and a good future.

If you find yourself in this situation we introduce how you can communicate with those people both strange, Being in the United States is not a barrier to alienate you to hear and know about people who are in El Salvador.


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