The area code to call Honduras from the US is represented by the following combination:

011 + 504 + City +  Number

How to call Honduras
How to call Honduras, Code to call Honduras

To call Honduras from USA you must dial 011 + 504 + Area Code City + Phone number.

Landlines or code to call Honduras They are formatted 504-2XXX-XXXX, in other words, They carry 8 then digit country code or Lada Honduras is 504 It is the first digit of the 2.

Honduras for being a small country does not have an area code, but nevertheless, Honduras has common digits to every city.

as mark Honduras
Marking to Honduras

The codes of cities are presented to know as mark Honduras Honduras also called Lada:

Honduras code
Honduras code
  • Catacamas = 28
  • Choloma = 26
  • Choluteca = 28
  • Comayagua = 27
  • Danlí = 28
  • Progress = 26
  • Juticalpa = 28
  • La Ceiba = 24
  • Puerto Cortés = 26
  • San Pedro Sula = 25
  • Tegucigalpa = 22
  • screen = 24
Boss Revolution number to call Honduras
Boss Revolution number to call Honduras

Boss Revolution number to call Honduras

You can use the toll-free access Boss Revolution: +1-800-374-4922 (English) and+1-800-376-5077 (español).

¿Hondureño US?

According to the American Community Survey (ACS), United States live 853 thousand Hondurans concentrated in 8 different states.

Hondurans represent 15% of the Hispanic population living in United States. For many years (before Hurricane Katrina) New Orleans City, located in the state of Louisiana, He was known as "Little Honduras" or "department 19 of Honduras "because of the large number of Hondurans who resided there.

Currently the situation in the US is more complicated, it is increasingly difficult to find work for immigrants who do not have their papers in order. A Honduran travels to go in search of better opportunities, something that lacks in your country, however it is very hard not to feel a desire to return to the place where one is born.

Family and friends are the most important thing we, when leaving Honduras causes a real shame for them, is inevitable travel without memory take a little of each of the people who have marked your life. Therefore this article shows how people living in the United States can communicate Honduras and specifically one of its cities. Know her Lada Honduras Of start, as well as codes of some cities. Although they not present in person, it is a way of keeping followed close.

Code to call Mexico from USA

How to call Colombia from Panama

Panama prefix

How to call Honduras, as mark Honduras, as used mark from Honduras, How to call Honduras from United States
How to call Honduras?
How to call Honduras from usa, as brand US Honduras, as calling for Honduras, What is the area of ​​hondurasllamar to Honduras
How to call Honduras to the United States?
as dialing for Honduras, as mark Honduras from United States, as calling for Honduras to United States, as marked united states to Honduras, as brand US Honduras
How to call to Honduras?

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